Brief CBT and ACT
There is a large body of research that shows us a high percentage of clients prefer short term therapy. There are often reasons that clients cannot or don’t want to commit to long term therapy, such as limited time or finances.
If clients already have an understanding of their main problem and are motivated to become their own therapist, I can offer a short course of CBT that is under 10 sessions and sometimes as few as 3-6.
What to expect from a course of brief therapy:
At assessment we will discuss how many sessions you can commit to and then I will tailor your therapy to suit this. I will recommend an ideal amount of sessions.
We will not use the entire first session to focus on assessment, we will use brief assessment, goal setting and motivational tools and your first session will include at least one brief treatment intervention. We may return to assessment at a later session.
We will plan weekly sessions for 3-10 sessions. Sessions will last 1 hour.
There will be a new tool for you to immediately take away, practice and utilise from our first session.
Sessions will be planned collaboratively and in advance using a ‘bridging sheet’.
There will be an emphasis on self therapy in-between sessions, this will be carefully planned and reviewed at each session.
There will be a focus on skill building rather than curing illnesses.

What is FACT (Focused Acceptance and commitment therapy)?
FACT is a model of brief therapy that is a condensed version of the well established longer term treatment called ACT. Both FACT and ACT uses self compassion, acceptance and mindfulness strategies to help clients transform their relationship with unwanted, distressing or uncomfortable thoughts, emotions and physical symptoms.
Assessments and interventions are brief with a focus on unworkable results of avoidance and the acceptance of the presence of normal difficult cognitions and emotions.
The overarching principles of FACT are;
Opening up- unhooking from thoughts and feelings, allowing them to freely come, stay and go.
Being present- focusing attention where it is most useful and engaging fully in what we are doing.
Doing what matters- using values to motivate behaviours, choices and actions.

What people have said recently about brief therapy with me
“Shari gave me a lot of confidence from the outset that I would improve with only a few sessions, which I did!”
“Shari taught me ways of dealing with my thoughts and feelings which have completely changed my life. I had 7 sessions in total and from the first to the last I am a different person in so many ways.”
“I never imagined that I would be in the head space that I am having had under 10 sessions!”
“Fantastic experience - learnt some really valuable techniques in such a short space of time.”
"In just 7 sessions Shari helped me find new ways of dealing with unhelpful thoughts and identify the values I want to consistently work towards. Shari allowed me to move at my own pace, and adapted exercises to meet my individual needs."